Choose Wisely – 5 Tips For Selecting a Gym

Choose Wisely – 5 Tips For Selecting a Gym

When you embark on your quest for better health and fitness, you can improve your chances of adhering to your plan by carefully selecting a gym or fitness center that best suits your needs. Here are some important points to keep in mind when searching for a place to...
Are You Getting The Most Out of Every Workout?

Are You Getting The Most Out of Every Workout?

One of the great things about weight training is the possibility for continual improvement of your body, your health, and your mind. The sky is the limit and the adage “you reap what you sow” couldn’t be more fitting. The harder and more intelligently you work in the...
How to Strive For Excellence

How to Strive For Excellence

Bodybuilding is a sport that relies heavily upon your ability to be as close to perfection as possible with every facet involved. As arduous as this pursuit can be, the rewards and benefits from doing so are plentiful and keep us wanting more. With each and every...
Hardgainer? Are you really?

Hardgainer? Are you really?

A “hardgainer” can be defined as a person who has an incredibly difficult time developing an admirable body. This is a person who simply can’t build the muscle or lose the body fat they want—no matter how hard they train or how well they eat. A hardgainer believes...
Warm-up Right for BIG Gains in Muscle and Strength

Warm-up Right for BIG Gains in Muscle and Strength

I get more questions on the Max-OT approach to warm-up sets than almost all other Max-OT principles. First off don’t over-think and over-complicate this process, but don’t underestimate how it affects your entire workout. Warm-up sets are just that – warm-up...
Debunking Supplement Myths

Debunking Supplement Myths

Alright! It’s time for the uninformed and misguided to listen up. There are many good reasons to make nutrition and sports supplementation a part of your training program; because they work. Even if you are just starting out, there are certain products you should be...
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