To Stretch or Not to Stretch?

To Stretch or Not to Stretch?

Often times the flexibility component, in an otherwise excellent training program, is overlooked and sometimes understated. A tensile muscle is a healthy muscle and keeping up with a program that includes flexibility training is difficult yet rewarding. In the past...
700% Better Gains in Muscle Mass with CLA

700% Better Gains in Muscle Mass with CLA

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is often thought of as a fat loss product. However, CLA’s potential to enhance muscle gains is quite clear. In this article I’ll highlight the results of at least one key study – the results of which have appeared to slip under the radar...
3 Steps to a Perfect Workout

3 Steps to a Perfect Workout

Progress is the cornerstone of our efforts in the gym. Without progress you stand no chance of reaching your goals and will ultimately decide that your efforts may be served better elsewhere. On the contrary, if continued gains and an innate desire to become the best...
Mass Phase Part 2: Eating and Supplementation

Mass Phase Part 2: Eating and Supplementation

“One should eat to live, not live to eat” – Benjamin Franklin Sorry Ben, I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one. Talk to any bodybuilder at any time in the season, and the first thing on their mind is their food. Most have their food intake so precise that...
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