Injury Prevention and Your PKC

Injury Prevention and Your PKC

We push ourselves every day to be bigger, stronger and faster. We push past our limits in our attempt to build the physique we’ve always dreamed of having. We push so hard sometimes that our bodies decide to fight back, and that fight comes in the form of an injury....
A Time to Reflect

A Time to Reflect

Well, with the past now in our rearview mirrors this would be a great time to sit back and reflect on a year’s worth of training, eating, supplementation, trial and error, misguided practises, epiphanies, highs and lows, gains and losses and be thankful that...

Cardio Conundrum

“Perform your cardio on an empty stomach for optimal results”. For years this approach to fat loss has been the accepted mode; however when it comes to bodybuilding very few rules apply to the masses and generic programs for nutrition, fat loss, resistance...

Can Max-OT help muscular endurance?

I realize that most of the strength and conditioning text books advise endurance athletes to use lighter weights and perform a high number of repetitions to build muscular endurance. However, there are two problems with this over simplified training advice. The first...
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