Do you have 5 minutes to spare?

Do you have 5 minutes to spare?

If you knew that you could maximize your muscle growth and strength in less than 5 minutes per workout, would you be more inspired and dedicated to train those 5 minutes? Would you ever miss a workout that only takes 5 minutes? Would you even have the nerve to make up...

I’ve been using your Max-OT Training program and have been amazed with the results. I was wondering if you could suggest a Max-OT type workout that will add maximum size to the chest in the shortest amount of time?

One thing is certain, Max-OT is the absolute best training method for maximum muscle growth. Max-OT breaks from the mold of everyday "thinking" yet taps into and maximizes the basic physiological fundamentals of muscle growth. Using Max-OT will have you...
Mass Phase Part 1: Training for Size

Mass Phase Part 1: Training for Size

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.” –Mark Twain. For so many of us dedicated warriors of iron out there, the innate desire to be bigger and stronger is the driving force behind our efforts in and out of the gym. Born out...
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