Max-OT Nutrition Basics: Part 1

Welcome back. First I want to thank everyone for all the overwhelming positive feedback I am getting on Max-OT. It’s very apparent that shown the proper use of the right tools you can totally change the way you think and approach building muscle and strength. As you are finding out, building muscle takes just as much intelligence as it does brawn and determination. Max-OT is about strengthening the mind to help strengthen the body.

It gets me very excited to read the emails I get daily telling me how they wish they had known about this program 5 years ago. Well, there’s a lot more to come so keep returning each week as this program builds on itself. One week leads to the next so don’t miss a single week.

Nutrition is a very big part of building muscle. It’s said that nutrition is 80% of the puzzle. I say it’s 100%. That’s right, 100%. The actual lifting, the muscle overload, is also 100% of the equation. Intensity is 100% of the equation. Hydration is another 100% of the equation. Mental attitude is 100% of the equation. So far we are at 600%.

Do you get where I am coming from? You can’t break down the importance of each component of building muscle and tag a value to it as it relates to the total picture because each aspect is not only important, they are interrelated to the significance of all the other aspects of building muscle.

One is no more important than the other. You can’t build muscle if you don’t train. Muscle will not grow if you don’t train with intensity. Muscle will not grow if your body is not properly hydrated. Muscle will not grow if you lack the proper mental attitude.

No matter how hard, heavy, and intensely you train, muscle will not grow without proper nutrition reinforcement. Not a chance.

And let me be the first to tell you that your nutritional reinforcement is much more than taking the latest supplement that becomes available. It’s about a structured and consistent plan to feed your muscles the nutrients they need to take full advantage of the key and incredibly intricate physiological episodes that happen as a result of training.

The more intelligently you approach your body’s nutritional needs the quicker you will maximize your muscular growth. Nutrition plus supplementation is indeed 100% of the equation.

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