Building Big, Towering Traps

Building Big, Towering Traps

There are certain attributes a bodybuilder must have to acquire that certain look that separates them from the masses. When I began my bodybuilding journey, I read as much as I possibly could about how to become a bodybuilder and how to achieve that look. I can...
Arm Rx – Prescription for Big, Muscular Arms

Arm Rx – Prescription for Big, Muscular Arms

Sleeve splitting arms are a sight to behold. When fully developed, the biceps, triceps, and muscles of the forearm are extremely impressive; even in the hang position. Once flexed, these muscles take on a life of their own and give their possessor an air of confidence...
Max-OT Warm-ups – A Closer Look

Max-OT Warm-ups – A Closer Look

A Perfect Workout Starts With a Perfect Warm-up Every aspect of Max-OT training works synergistically, making it the most effective training approach for building maximum muscle. To get the greatest results, it is important that you understand and execute all the...
A Max-OT Workout for Big, Wide Shoulders

A Max-OT Workout for Big, Wide Shoulders

There is nothing more impressive than a pair of big, powerful, and wide shoulders. Shoulders are the foundation of a great upper-body, and this Max-OT workout will deliver the results faster. Here’s a Max-OT shoulder workout that’s fast, intense and...
The Secret to Shredded Abs

The Secret to Shredded Abs

Who doesn’t want shredded abs? But the secret? Well, I wouldn’t call it a secret, but it is elusive for most, to say the least. It’s called hard work and strict discipline. Hard work mainly comes from the fact that abs just aren’t fun to train....
Failure is NOT Defeat

Failure is NOT Defeat

The term failure often denotes a negative connotation more closely associated with defeat. In the world of bodybuilding, this thought process couldn’t be further from the truth and failure is something most try to experience at least a few times a day. In fact, this...
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