by Dana Bushell | Articles
Progress comes in many forms, and the success that people experience in this crazy world of self-improvement and fitness is all relative. What I would consider gains doesn’t necessarily equate with what you do and vice versa and guess what, there’s nothing wrong with...
by AST Sports Science | Questions & Answers
Almost every experienced bodybuilder will agree that the mind-to-muscle link is important to optimize the growth response to training. A recent study suggests this maybe true. This research showed that you can increase muscle activation during weight lifting by...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
Max-OT Cardio is unique in that it significantly elevates your resting metabolic rate and your ability to burn body fat without breaking down lean muscle like conventional cardio does. By increasing your resting metabolic rate, your body becomes much more efficient at...
by Paul C. Henning, Ph.D. CSCS | Research
It is well established that consuming protein and/or amino acids is necessary to stimulate post-exercise protein synthesis, thus creating a positive protein balance1-3. In accordance, dietary protein administration with or without carbohydrate ingestion before,...
by AST Sports Science | Questions & Answers, Research
Intense, short duration exercise (Max-OT and Max-OT Cardio) is known to be a potent trigger of growth hormone (GH) release. The peak in this response occurs in the hours immediately following exercise. Although the research isn’t entirely clear on this topic, this...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles, Research
Your nutritional status affects your anabolic hormonal profile, but surprisingly, there is not a lot of research in this area of nutritional science. I’ve had to dig deep and draw on some diverse literature, but if you’ve read my previous research...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
Hitting the gym day in and day out is all about achieving goals. If you aren’t trying to improve something about your body then what’s the point of going to the gym in the first place. As you get more experienced with your training, you come to realize that...
by Dana Bushell | Training
Sleeve splitting arms are a sight to behold. When fully developed, the biceps, triceps, and muscles of the forearm are extremely impressive; even in the hang position. Once flexed, these muscles take on a life of their own and give their possessor an air of confidence...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
The ultimate goal for any hard training athlete is to find a weight training program that produces significant and consistent gains in lean muscle mass, strength and an increase in fat loss. A program that fails to deliver results shouldn’t take too long to send...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research, Supplements
Most athletes understand the important role growth hormone (GH) plays in building strength, muscle mass, and increasing performance. Growth hormone not only stimulates an increase in muscle protein synthesis, but it also stimulates joint cartilage production, amino...