by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
I don’t know of any multivitamin supplement that is adequate by just taking it once daily. The whole “one-a-day” concept was developed for convenience and marketing and not as a result of the supplements functional properties. Depending on your diet...
by Paul Delia | Articles, Research
Many athletes have been lead to believe that lactic acid is a vile, toxic waste product that should be avoided at all costs. However, it appears the opposite may be true. New research suggests that lactic acid is an important fuel source that powers intense exercise...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
The king of all leg exercises and the one that produces the greatest results for leg development is by far the squat. The standard, bar on the back squat. This exercise will make or break you with respect to lower body growth. The more effort you put into mastering...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers, Training
Unfortunately, this is what most people think they should do. This is what most people have been told to do. However, this exactly what you should not do. One adage that you should sear into your brain is to let the weights build the muscle and let your diet remove...
by Dana Bushell | Training
With only a glance, there is one thing that can tell you the person you are looking at is a bodybuilder; their shoulders. Fully developed, round shoulders and neck eating traps set bodybuilders apart from everybody else. It shows their dedication to the iron, their...
by Paul C. Henning, Ph.D. CSCS | Research, Supplements
Some very promising research has led to a new performance supplement – Urso-X. Urso-X contains the bioactive compound ursolic acid. Research has shown this unique substrate to be a potent anabolic – anti-catabolic compound2. Ursolic acid contributes to the...
by AST Sports Science | Articles
A high protein, low-fat, moderate-carbohydrate diet is without a doubt, the most effective nutritional approach for stimulating lean muscle gains while accelerating fat loss. The scientific literature proves this and the real world results solidify the research....
by AST Sports Science | Articles
Bulking up. You hear this all the time. Many people are under the misconception that to gain muscle mass, you must “bulk up.” They think that to put on appreciable muscle size calories must be consumed in excess to fuel the muscle growth process. This is...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Productivity is a driving force in the world of weight training and building muscle. Each workout session must be geared towards achieving something great which in turn will accumulate into something magnificent. The overall effectiveness of your weight training...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
When it comes to diet and nutrition, most athletes stick to a narrow range of food choices; chicken breasts, rice, potato and maybe a green vegetable such as broccoli or beans. Getting into peak condition for any sport depends on optimizing overall health. However,...