by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles
Most people approach fat loss like cracking a peanut with a sledgehammer. They jump straight into a six-day a week exercise program, cut carbs and calories without having a clue how many meals they need or what should be in those meals to get the results they want....
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
One good thing about bone is that it heals quickly and responds very well during rehabilitation. However, muscle size and joint strength in the injured limb are much more difficult to restore. Take heart, because recent research strongly suggests that there is one...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles
Take a look at these popular myths and the research that squashes them. If you believe any of these myths, you may be sabotaging your capacity to make great improvements. Myth: A high protein intake causes kidney dysfunction/damage. That is, you take a healthy person...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
Now days the public will almost always associate the words “anabolic steroids” with elite athletes, sensational drug scandals, and cheating. However, according to a recent report involving the largest sample group to date; the majority of (anabolic) steroid users are...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
This is an area of confusion for most people. For best fat-burning results should you do high intensity, short duration cardio or low-intensity, long duration cardio? The concept of “fat burning” exercise has been taken way out of context from Dr. George Brooks’...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
I’ve gone into detail about the physiological differences between white and brown adipose (fat) tissue in a previous Q&A. Brown fat is an important heat-generating tissue, while white fat is the more typical form of fat we associate with undesirable weight gain....
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
Glutamine is essential for protein synthesis and muscle cell growth. While maintaining glutamine status is critical to hard training athletes and the critically ill, very little research has investigated the most effective nutritional method to enhance glutamine...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles
If you’ve hit a plateau or you’re not getting the results you’d like from your training, take a close look at these simple strategies. They are based on the very latest bodybuilding research shown to boost muscle mass gains. 1.Carbohydrates boost muscle growth. Do...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
To answer your question with one word; definitely. To provide you with an explanation let me draw on a recent paper written by sports scientists at Arizona State University. These researchers assessed over 140 weight lifting studies to obtain insights into the...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
Bodybuilders know the importance of growth hormone (GH) for building muscle and shedding fat. While virtually every bodybuilder I know takes supplements, most don’t realize that some supplements can actually blunt the GH response to exercise. Melatonin...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles
The hydration state (cell volume) of muscle cells is an important determinant of protein anabolism. Increasing muscle cell volume or hydration status acts as an independent anabolic signal as it initiates the cellular mechanisms needed to preserve and create net gains...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles, Research
Athletes know the importance of growth hormone (GH) for building muscle and shedding fat. While virtually every athlete I know takes supplements, most don’t realize that some supplements can actually blunt the GH response to exercise. Melatonin...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
Men do lose unwanted weight faster than women. One physiological reason is that men release more stress hormones such as norepinephrine in response to exercise than women do. Hormones such as norepinephrine stimulate lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat in cells....
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
Hydration ensures that body chemistry works optimally. A lot of athletes don’t realize that their fluid intake not only influences energy levels and workout performance but also fat metabolism. The sensation of thirst is the last indication your body is dehydrated. By...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
VP2 Whey Isolate is one of select few supplements shown in clinical trials to promote fat loss in non-obese, trained athletes. Therefore, supplementing with VP2 is a smart move for anyone interested in better and more efficient fat loss. Based on the research, it is...