Building Big, Towering Traps

Building Big, Towering Traps

There are certain attributes a bodybuilder must have to acquire that certain look that separates them from the masses. When I began my bodybuilding journey, I read as much as I possibly could about how to become a bodybuilder and how to achieve that look. I can...

Anabolic steroids and the heart

There are a lot of misconceptions about anabolic steroids and their side-effects. The main reason for this is that there is no data on long term steroid use in the dosages used by athletes. In terms of affecting the heart, a group of Italian researchers have utilized...
The Importance of Muscle Balance

The Importance of Muscle Balance

Great physiques are attained through hard work, dedication and a never-ending passion for self-improvement, and if you’ve been lucky enough to win the genetic lottery, a world-class physique could be in your future. Taking the time to meticulously work on your body...
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