MultiPro 32X 100 Tablets

MultiPro 32X 100 Tablets

MultiPro 32X is a Powerful Multi-Vitamin Designed Specifically for Hard Training Athletes. All vitamins are not created equal. And if there is one supplement that’s an absolute necessity for all hard-training athletes to take on a daily basis – every...
How to Use Specialized Energy Loading

How to Use Specialized Energy Loading

Bodybuilders and athletes alike are always looking for an advantage. It’s a part of the competitive nature necessary to achieve greatness and something every champion intelligently employs. While there is no quick substitute for hard work and dedication, taking...
Muscle Breakdown is Greater 3-Hours After Training

Muscle Breakdown is Greater 3-Hours After Training

A group of well-respected Finnish researchers recently assessed the effects of resistance training on blood amino acids, muscle protein synthesis, and breakdown during recovery. The results showed that protein breakdown was actually higher three hours after training...

CLA May Boost Endurance

Every month it seems as though a new study is uncovering another benefit from taking CLA – conjugated linoleic acid. Previous research in humans suggests that CLA aids in fat metabolism. Fat is an important energy fuel source. Theoretically, better fat...
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