…continued – Chest

Incline Barbell Bench Press

This is the king of all upper chest exercises. The primary muscles worked here are the upper chest. Secondary muscles are the middle and lower chest, front deltoids, upper back, and triceps.


The incline does not need to be very steep. 35 degrees is perfect for upper chest work. You follow the same technique for this movement as you do for the flat barbell bench press. Firmly position your feet, butt, and shoulders. Lower the bar at a moderate pace to the very center of your sternum. Let the weight sink into your chest slightly and power up and slightly back explosively. Lower the weight twice as slow as your raise the weight.

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbells are very effective for training chest. You cannot use the same amount of weight due mainly to the limitations of the dumbbells and the effort needed to get into position and handle the dumbbells. However, the increased range of motion makes them a very worthy addition to the Max-OT arsenal of exercises.

The primary muscles involved are the chest muscles – mid, upper, and lower pectorals. Secondary muscles used are the front delts, triceps, upper back, traps, and lower back.


The most difficult thing about heavy dumbbell exercises is getting them into position. Here is a technique that makes this almost effortless. While sitting on the end of a flat bench with the dumbbells resting vertically of the end of your thighs rock backwards into a lying position on the bench. As you rock backwards into the lying position you bring your knees up with you. This sets you into a perfect position with your arms extended straight above your chest ready to do your first rep.

Lower the weight at a moderate pace while rotating your palms in toward your body. You want to stretch deep at the bottom of the movement. Power the weight upward with explosiveness while rotating your palms back to their original starting position.

Now you also have to be able to put the dumbbells down when you are done. Here’s an effortless way to do this as well. When you complete your last rep raise your knees back up so they are close to the dumbbells you are holding. Lower the dumbbells to meet the ends of your thighs. This motion with the dumbbells to your knees will cause you to rock back up into the seated position. It takes a little practice, but once you get it down then handling even the heaviest dumbbells by yourself will be no problem.

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