by AST Sports Science | Research
Though you wouldn’t know it by going to your local gym, a study out of Australia has shown that a daily 5-gram dose of creatine monohydrate improves brain function. Yes, brain function! We are all aware of the physical performance-enhancing effects from creatine...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
Cortisol a hormone necessary for the inflammatory response, regulation of blood pressure and immune function. However, most bodybuilders and athletes understand that too much cortisol creates an environment that eats away as muscle mass and makes gains impossible....
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
You’re doing fine. Keep the fruit, but be somewhat selective of the kinds of fruit you eat. Most fruit has a relatively modest to low glycemic index (GI) and in many cases has a much lower GI than vegetables made up of complex carbohydrates. The problem with the...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
Caffeine works! It gives you a potent kick of energy, endurance, and focus. And aside from the very desirable energizing effect, you get, drinking a cup of coffee before exercise could help increase the amount of fat utilized during the activity, say researchers in...
by AST Sports Science | Articles, Training
It’s hard to convince most athletes who love working out that they will get better results by taking a planned break away from training. Taking strategic breaks from intense weight training will actually enhance muscle gains overall. The big question is when to take a...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Every once in a while you have to veer off the beaten path and perform tasks that rarely make their way into your regular routine. It’s not unheard of to double up on muscle groups within one training session such as shoulders and traps, chest and triceps or back and...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
Veterans of the sport will tell you that daily training is simply a part of their DNA. Everything done over the course of the day revolves around prepping for and recovering from training. Not hitting the gym has never even entered into their thought process and...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
A gym rat by definition is someone who spends an unlimited amount of time in the gym each session. The intelligent trainer would look at this and recognize right away that this practice is counterproductive and falls short of using time wisely and energy effectively....
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
Most athletes think of creatine as a long-term supplement that has to be taken over time to enhance muscle and strength gains. However, Micronized Creatine can also be used to provide an immediate performance boost. A recent study completed by researchers at Creighton...