by AST Sports Science | Articles
Promoting longevity through exercise is an interesting subject. However, once you start digging into the research it soon becomes clear that there just isn’t a great deal of information on this topic. There certainly is not a lot of information that suggests regular...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
Alright! It’s time for the uninformed and misguided to listen up. There are many good reasons to make nutrition and sports supplementation a part of your training program; because they work. Even if you are just starting out, there are certain products you should be...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
In a world focused purely on the physical attributes of its players, bodybuilding lends itself to a rather superficial way of thinking. What wins competitions and drives us through grueling workouts and early morning cardio sessions is the hope that what we see in the...
by Dana Bushell | Questions & Answers, Training
There used to be a time when to find a really good training program, you either looked through the magazines for routines used by the pros or if you were lucky enough, someone in your local gym knew what they were talking about and set one up for you. Now with...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers, Training
The “right way” is whatever way you are most comfortable with. However, I highly suggest you bench with your thumbs around the bar. This is a much safer and more secure grip. I see many lifters using the thumb in back method. There is no advantage to this...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers, Training
Straight bar curls with a shoulder width grip is the single most effective biceps mass builder there is. However, you need to understand why. Straight bar curls are the most effective for building biceps primarily because they allow for the greatest amount of overload...
by AST Sports Science | News
AST Sports Science is privileged to bring you the incredible insights from Dr. Paul Henning. Dr. Henning is a research physiologist and Army Officer in the Military Performance Division at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick, MA where...
by AST Sports Science | Research
Athletes complete large volumes of intensive physical training to improve performance. Excessive physical training, incomplete recovery and high general stress can induce overreaching – a term used to describe over-training in the short-term. Overreaching is often...
by AST Sports Science | Questions & Answers
If you take a look at the research on creatine monohydrate, it appears as though this supplement has no direct effect on fat metabolism. However, a number of studies show rather dramatic improvements in body composition as a result of creatine supplementation. In line...
by AST Sports Science | Questions & Answers
Many bodybuilders are fanatical about their training and never skip a workout. However, this obsessive mentality may not yield the best results. Believe it or not, there is sound scientific evidence that suggests missing a workout here and there can actually make you...