This is typical of the most widely asked question we receive here. It is very confusing out there. One of the biggest contributors to this confusion is trying to piece together bits of information from many different sources. Especially when the majority of this information is jaded with hidden agendas.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were trying to repair something and you had 5 people telling you 5 different ways to make the repair all at the same time? It drives you crazy and makes you doubt every thing you try. Well, every time you look at a "bodybuilding" magazine you have 100 different ads telling you 100 different things – all with the primary objective of selling you their product. And like you said, the articles in the magazine only add to the confusion. In fact, many ads are designed to look like articles.

Do you know of any other magazine category where the magazines that are published each month contain anywhere near the number of ads that bodybuilding magazines have? And the supplement ads in the magazines now days are so over the top and so full of hype, distortion and outright bullshit that the average supplement buyer doesn't stand a chance. Just because an ad says so doesn't make it true. In fact, if you read it in an ad it most likely is not even close to being true.

Now telling you this certainly isn't going to win me any friends in the industry or from the magazines. But let me tell you something, I don't care! The only friends I need are the athletes that believe in AST and our commitment to them. That's what drives me and what drives AST.

So, on to your question. What is the best way to learn about training and supplementation? First off, concentrating your educational efforts on a single and well qualified source will eliminate the conflicting and confusing overload of multiple viewpoints. You can waste a lot of time, money, and, more importantly, unrecoverable opportunity for growth and advancement searching the multitude of opinions in this vast and diverse field. So I highly advise getting 100% of your information here.

Now this might seem like the pot calling the kettle black, but let me explain. The goal of AST Sports Science is to provide you with solid information about training, nutrition, and the latest performance enhancement breakthroughs to help you intelligently reach your goals. We provide the highest quality supplements available and present you with sound scientific backing to support the use of our products. 

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Is there a supplement I can take to boost memory capacity?

Now make no mistake about it, AST Sports Science is certainly in business to show a profit, but we'll never compromise our integrity or business ethics for the sake of a dollar. We are in business to research, produce, market, and distribute the most effective sports nutrition supplements in the world. We are committed to this endeavor and have been for 23 years.

A very important part of AST Sports Science, completely aside from the end sale of our products, is to extensively research the ever growing fields of exercise science, muscle metabolism, and nutritional biochemistry. Then, more importantly, we disseminate this research to provide you with easy to understand and very educational cutting edge information on weight training, nutrition, mental strengthening, and unique and effective ways to use performance enhancing supplements. We spend an enormous amount of time, money, and effort on this research for the single purpose of enabling you to achieve your fitness goals as quickly as possible while hopefully providing an educational and enlightening experience in the process.

Our success is only measured by your success. AST Sports Science prospers only when our customers (AST athletes) prosper. We are dedicated to helping the athlete achieve and even surpass their aspirations in physical performance, health, longevity, and intellectual strength.

So when you read information provided by AST Sports Science it goes far beyond the intent to sell. It provides an arsenal of tools for you to use to enhance your physical and mental performance. A smart athlete is a successful athlete.

Oh, and one more thing. Never will we try to deceive or manipulate you for the purpose of making a sale. The information and the research we provide is not a deluded attempt to promote an underlying product or supplement. We research and promote advances in nutritional science to be able to provide you with state-of-the-art performance supplements. We provide the information from our research to help you better understand how to advance in your sport using the products we have designed specifically through this research. And we do this without disguising the source or manipulating the presentation. When you do business with AST Sports Science, you know you are doing business with AST Sports Science.

So when you visit our web site and/or use our products and training methods, you are in essence becoming a part of the AST Sports Science Team. And your success is our priority.

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The more I read the bodybuilding magazines the more confused I get. Not only are the ads confusing, but the magazine’s articles are even worse. What is the best way to learn about training and supplementation? All I’m trying to do is add muscle and get lean the fastest way I can.

by Paul Delia time to read: 4 min