Mass Phase Part 2: Eating and Supplementation

Mass Phase Part 2: Eating and Supplementation

“One should eat to live, not live to eat” – Benjamin Franklin Sorry Ben, I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one. Talk to any bodybuilder at any time in the season, and the first thing on their mind is their food. Most have their food intake so precise that...
Collision Course with Gains in Muscle Mass

Collision Course with Gains in Muscle Mass

The masses of well-intentioned individuals who are seeking out a better lifestyle that is filled with gains in size and strength have been led astray. Far too often promises of an improved physique in a very small amount of time are said to be true, and gimmicks drain...
DGC – Fast Muscle Energy

DGC – Fast Muscle Energy

DGC (Dextrorotatory Glucose Crystals) is a unique glucose crystal that supplies an unmatched fuel source for fast and efficient muscle energy. DGC requires no digestion prior to absorption into the bloodstream. This means an ultra-fast fuel supply for supporting quick...
Dieting Strategies in Progressive Stages

Dieting Strategies in Progressive Stages

The winter months are soon coming to an end and with that brings an opportunity to show the world what you’ve been working on. For months on end now you’ve been covered up, not really allowing anyone to see what you’ve been cultivating under the...
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