by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
I know exactly what you are talking about. This pain is like shin splints in your forearms. I have found through the years that this pain comes and goes. It’s more of a progressive injury that seems to happen over time. The major causes of this are both sloppy...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
A less burdensome way to build muscle? Hummm. How do I answer this question with ripping you a new one? Look, building muscle takes time, extreme effort, and commitment. I know, I know, that’s not what the magazine ad said, but this is reality – not...
by AST Sports Science | Questions & Answers
Creatine is produced naturally in your body from the three amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine. These aminos are converted into creatine primarily within the liver by the enzyme guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT). The efficiency of GAMT has an impact...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
That's exactly what I am telling you. Creatine in a liquid will begin to degrade in a matter of hours. And when I say liquid I'm referring to "serum" also. They call it serum just to make you think it's different than a liquid. It's not....
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
Not many gyms have dumbbells much heavier than 100 pounds. On the other side of the coin there are some gyms with dumbbells as high as 200 pounds (though you rarely see anyone wrestle with them). This is really not a problem. The one arm dumbbell row is a nice and...
by AST Sports Science | Research
Research is beginning to pile up on how certain "fats" can actually promote fat loss. Some interesting research investigating some unique properties of olive oil has published over the last few years. Research is revealing that olive oil stimulates...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
Squats are the most effective leg exercise bar none and you need to realize this. No other exercise even comes close. And not only does squatting build big strong legs it also increases overall body strength and size. You literally use every muscle in your body when...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
This is a question sports physiologists are examining with greater interest, especially since an Australian study published in the American College of Sports Medicine's Journal (32:271-277. 2001) showed that stretching before exercise does not appear to prevent...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
The capacity to build muscle depends largely on the amount of testosterone circulating in your bloodstream. More specifically, the “free” testosterone. Interestingly, the amount of total testosterone in the blood is similar in younger and older males, but...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research
Once past 30 years of age, we can lose up to 2% of our muscle each year. A leucine-rich diet may prevent the loss of your hard-earned muscle, particularly as you get older, says French researchers who have reported positive results on rodents. This study showed a diet...