by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
This is really a comparison of a unilateral movement (dumbbell curl) with a bilateral exercise (barbell curl). It must be made clear; there is no ‘most effective’ movement – both have benefits and drawbacks. For example, compared to dumbbells, a barbell will allow for...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers
One of the most important keys to building muscle, losing body fat, and feeling energetic throughout the day is controlling your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which the nutrients in your food are processed once eaten. Those nutrients will be absorbed and...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Supplements
I’ve been training now for roughly 18 years. In that time I have experimented with quite possibly every exercise that exists, every diet that has come to fruition and countless supplement products in my quest to achieve physique perfection (at least my version of it)....
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles
Most people approach fat loss like cracking a peanut with a sledgehammer. They jump straight into a six-day a week exercise program, cut carbs and calories without having a clue how many meals they need or what should be in those meals to get the results they want....
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
The pleasantries of having no real place to be, no solid commitments and a complete disregard for direction have no place in a bodybuilder’s lifestyle. Everything that must be accomplished in a day is a well thought out plan of attack designed to create a better...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers, Training
Yes, you can, and it’s highly recommended. In fact, it may be the best exercise for Max-OT Cardio. Here’s why. Rowing incorporates the most muscle groups during the movement than any other cardio exercise. Research shows you actually recruit over 85% of...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Ask any ten bodybuilders out there what their least favorite part of the entire training process is and my bet is that nine of them will quickly answer “cardio”! Cardiovascular training, while mundane and boring, is a necessary evil in the recipe for success. It has...
by Paul C. Henning, Ph.D. CSCS | Research
Strength and conditioning coache’s and trainer’s focus will change with respect to the degree of athlete preparation, injury prevention, and injury rehabilitation needed. The requirements and situational needs of athletes typically require a blending of...
by AST Sports Science | Research
Is there a better type of protein to preserve hard-earned muscle mass during times of inactivity? The answer – yes! A recent study tested the ability of rapidly digested whey protein and slowly digested casein protein to stimulate net whole-body protein...