by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Articles
The latest research on calcium is very exciting for athletes and others that want to keep their bodies lean. A high intake of calcium appears to enhance your body’s capacity to burn fat for energy and reduce body fat levels. It’s common knowledge that calcium is...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Research, Supplements
If you are sick, you can’t train. At the very least you can’t train with the intensity, you do when you are healthy. And just as important when you are sick your body’s ability to recover is non-existent. Tremendous benefits of taking a simple...
by AST Sports Science | Research
Iron supplementation may help reduce fatigue during strenuous exercise, even if the person is not iron deficient, suggests research recently published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In an interesting study, women taking iron supplements showed a...
by Jeff Willet | Articles
When you embark on your quest for better health and fitness, you can improve your chances of adhering to your plan by carefully selecting a gym or fitness center that best suits your needs. Here are some important points to keep in mind when searching for a place to...
by AST Sports Science | Training
As those who follow the Max-OT program knows, changing up your workout schedule every 8 to 10 weeks is an integral part of the system. Changing up your Max-OT workout gives you the opportunity train different muscle groups together, incorporate different exercises,...
by Paul C. Henning, Ph.D. CSCS | Articles, Research
We know that it is crucial to optimize recovery after training to elicit maximal training adaptations. It’s been shown that a resistance exercise (RE) session has a positive impact on muscle protein synthesis, but without dietary protein intake, the net balance...
by AST Sports Science | Training
Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could train as much as your level of desire dictated? Wouldn’t it be great if the amount of muscle you could build in a specific period of time was directly proportional to the number of training sessions, sets, exercises, and repetitions...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
The masses of well-intentioned individuals who are seeking out a better lifestyle that is filled with gains in size and strength have been led astray. Far too often promises of an improved physique in a very small amount of time are said to be true, and gimmicks drain...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
Bodybuilding in its purest sense is all about developing the muscles on the human body so that each muscle group fits perfectly with the others giving way to a symmetrical, large and pleasing physique. Training splits have been developed so that over the course of the...
by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. | Questions & Answers
Interestingly, a recent study has revealed that ripe fruit contains an array of extremely effective antioxidants. These antioxidants take time to develop and are not present in unripe fruit. It appears as though a natural decomposing mechanism in fruit causes...