Are You Taking Your Workouts Seriously Enough?

Are You Taking Your Workouts Seriously Enough?

Everyone has their own reason for hitting the gym each day. Some of us use this time as a type of therapy to wash away the day’s or even life’s events while others see it as a place to grow. Regardless of what this time means to you,  you should be asking...
Youth From Grape Juice!

Youth From Grape Juice!

A recent series of studies have shown that drinking grape juice significantly improves short-term memory, coordination and balance in older animals. Based on these results, some scientists suggest that drinking grape juice on a regular basis may restore or help...

My varsity team is getting retested in the Bod Pod next week and I’m right in the middle of a loading phase with Micronized Creatine. Would this throw off my body composition assessment by the Bod Pod?

The Bod Pod has become a popular method of body composition assessment. Based on the research available, the Bod Pod appears to be a fairly accurate piece of equipment that assesses body composition quickly and easily. The Bod Pod determines body composition by air...
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