From a fat loss perspective, there is no research that suggests “cycling” Dymetadrine Xtreme provides any greater benefit than continuous use. In fact, Dr. Frank Greenway, a leading researcher in this field suggested that thermogenic compounds such as those found in Dymetadrine Xtreme increase their fat-burning potential the longer they are used.

The term cycling is an old carry-over of anabolic steroid use. The concept of “cycling” means the supplement is used for a period of weeks then discontinued for a period of time before being reintroduced to supposedly enhance the compounds effectiveness.

So many supplement marketers try to cash in on projecting this old stigma because it is associated to anabolic steroid use. However, is there “research” that suggests the components within Dymetadrine Xtreme need to be “cycled” to ensure optimal effects?

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The components in Dymetadrine Xtreme are termed “non-selective” beta agonists. While it is true, a desensitizing effect in the beta-1 and 2 receptors can occur, the components in Dymetadrine Xtreme actually enhance their effectiveness on the beta-3 receptors over time.

Beta 1 and 2 receptor stimulation increases heart rate and other components of the central nervous system. Conversely, the beta-3 receptors are responsible for fat release and metabolism. Therefore, to enhance fat metabolism and maximize your fat loss efforts, “cycling” of Dymetadrine Xtreme doesn’t appear to hold water. Continual use will give you continuous results!

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I’ve read that popular thermogenics need to be “cycled” as the body develops chemical tolerances to them after a few weeks. But you say that you don’t need to cycle Dymetadrine Xtreme. Why is that?

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 1 min