With all the junk advertised in the muscle magazines, its easy for athletes to lose sight of the fact that very few of the current supplements on the market have any scientific evidence of their effectiveness for building strength, muscle mass or improving recovery.

Quality supplements stand the test of time because they work and they have scientific evidence that shows why they are so effective.

One study involving protein supplementation and muscle recovery was completed by researcher and colleague, Matt Cooke at Victoria University’s Exercise Metabolism Unit in Melbourne, Australia.  In the first study ever designed to specifically examine the effects of protein supplementation on muscle recovery after resistance training, VP2 Whey Isolate was shown to reduce markers of muscle damage and speed the rate of muscle recovery.

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This trial was double-blinded and placebo controlled (the gold-standard in clinical research). Compared to the placebo, VP2 Whey isolate provided a significantly faster rate of recovery (return to maximum strength) and reduced plasma creatine kinase levels (a marker of muscle damage).  These two results combined suggest that supplementation with VP2 provides faster recovery after intense training.

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Is there solid research showing the best supplement to speed recovery and reduce muscle tissue damage after training?

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 1 min