by Dana Bushell | Training
There once was a time when being concerned with one’s chest measurements was a single gendered issue. Fast forward to today, and men all around the world are taking out their measuring tapes to size up the circumference of their own chests hoping for the slightest of...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Variety is the spice of life, and now and then you just have to shake things up a bit. While sticking to a routine does have its benefits, and you should never abandon one until you’ve given it sufficient time to work, giving old exercises a breath of fresh air every...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Knowing how to properly navigate through any gym space is essential to your survival amongst other trainers. Bearing in mind that there are many different personalities surrounding you, keeping yourself in check and being prudent to adhering to rules, both written and...
by Dana Bushell | Questions & Answers, Training
There used to be a time when to find a really good training program, you either looked through the magazines for routines used by the pros or if you were lucky enough, someone in your local gym knew what they were talking about and set one up for you. Now with...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers, Training
The “right way” is whatever way you are most comfortable with. However, I highly suggest you bench with your thumbs around the bar. This is a much safer and more secure grip. I see many lifters using the thumb in back method. There is no advantage to this...
by Paul Delia | Questions & Answers, Training
Straight bar curls with a shoulder width grip is the single most effective biceps mass builder there is. However, you need to understand why. Straight bar curls are the most effective for building biceps primarily because they allow for the greatest amount of overload...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
This can be a very difficult question to address. The simple answer would be any time you can get to the gym is better than not going at all. But there’s a little more to it than that. The time of day in which you train with weights does have some bearing on the...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Great physiques are attained through hard work, dedication and a never-ending passion for self-improvement, and if you’ve been lucky enough to win the genetic lottery, a world-class physique could be in your future. Taking the time to meticulously work on your body...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Progress is the cornerstone of our efforts in the gym. Without progress you stand no chance of reaching your goals and will ultimately decide that your efforts may be served better elsewhere. On the contrary, if continued gains and an innate desire to become the best...