by Dana Bushell | Articles
Often times, the advent of new and innovative ideas stem from the complacency of those who have yet to recognize a void that needs to be filled. Tried and true methods do have a place in our world of bodybuilding, but sometimes someone comes along and shocks the...
by Dana Bushell | Questions & Answers
You may not be an up and coming star in the bodybuilding world, and you may have no ambition whatsoever to step onstage any time soon. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t busting ass in the gym everyday to achieve a physique you can be proud of and want to show off...
by Dana Bushell | Questions & Answers
In a world riddled with eccentric personalities, gurus and experts of all kinds, bodybuilding has taken on more than its fair share of myths and misconceptions. Backed by foggy science and secrets only the pros knew about until now, many of these claims about how you...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
The quintessential approach any bodybuilder can take when devising a plan to improve their body is to recognize and reiterate the importance of hormone control. Quite possibly just as important as the act of training itself is the ability to employ strategies within...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
This can be a very difficult question to address. The simple answer would be any time you can get to the gym is better than not going at all. But there’s a little more to it than that. The time of day in which you train with weights does have some bearing on the...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
The pressures associated with everyday life are enough to deal with. The last thing anyone would want to do is add to that as a byproduct of doing something they thoroughly enjoy. As goal oriented perfectionists, athletes tend to go to extremes in many areas of their...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Supplements
Every serious trainer knows the importance of supplementation in the quest to achieving the best physique genetics will allow. Often times the supplements chosen have been well established in the results they deliver. Other times the products used can be directly...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Great physiques are attained through hard work, dedication and a never-ending passion for self-improvement, and if you’ve been lucky enough to win the genetic lottery, a world-class physique could be in your future. Taking the time to meticulously work on your body...
by Dana Bushell | Articles
“Perform your cardio on an empty stomach for optimal results”. For years this approach to fat loss has been the accepted mode; however when it comes to bodybuilding very few rules apply to the masses and generic programs for nutrition, fat loss, resistance...
by Dana Bushell | Articles, Training
Progress is the cornerstone of our efforts in the gym. Without progress you stand no chance of reaching your goals and will ultimately decide that your efforts may be served better elsewhere. On the contrary, if continued gains and an innate desire to become the best...