Matching Movements with Your Strengths

Matching Movements with Your Strengths

Bodybuilding could quite possibly be considered the most difficult sport to excel in by virtue of the ever-changing variables that consistently keep us on our toes. Just when you think you have everything figured out, your body changes its chemistry and adapts to the...
Power Training for Powerful Results

Power Training for Powerful Results

One of the best parts about working out is knowing that your efforts will equal rewards. The more you put into your training, the better your results will be; simple as that. When you enter a new phase of your training, how you construct and map out the plan...
Develop Your Muscular Mindset

Develop Your Muscular Mindset

The life of a bodybuilder involves more than just lifting weights, eating every couple of hours, and ensuring enough rest is taken to heal and grow. Yes, there is an incredible amount of physicality to the entire process, but it’s the mindset of a bodybuilder...
Are You Taking Your Workouts Seriously Enough?

Are You Taking Your Workouts Seriously Enough?

Everyone has their own reason for hitting the gym each day. Some of us use this time as a type of therapy to wash away the day’s or even life’s events while others see it as a place to grow. Regardless of what this time means to you,  you should be asking...
Triceps Training: Tips for Significant Growth

Triceps Training: Tips for Significant Growth

In a previous article, I provided you with some really great yet very subtle tips on how to train the biceps just a little more effectively during your workouts. And, as mentioned before, the devil really is in the details and it all comes down to how precise and...
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