We do a lot research, not just on developing and improving supplements, but also on how and when to take these supplements. Timing of your supplements will have a major impact on how effective they are at supporting not only immediate but continued muscle growth.

There are several reasons why taking VP2 Whey Isolate, Micronized Creatine and DGC immediately following training. When you train intensely, you create a metabolic environment that is more susceptible for nutrient uptake than at any other time. In other words, not only will your muscles be “looking” for nutritional support, but it will use the nutrients you provide it far more efficiently. Not only is the efficiency increased, but your body has the ability to process more calories (more nutrients) at this time with virtually none of these nutrients going toward fat synthesis. They all are directed toward muscle growth.

Also, taking VP2 Whey Isolate, Micronized Creatine and DGC immediately after training programs a more favorable hormonal profile for muscle growth. This supplement combination does this by increasing circulating growth hormones, insulin, and IGF-1 levels. These are three of the most anabolic (muscle-building) hormones in the body. Also, consistently supplementing in this fashion creates an accumulative effect on increasing IGF-1. As you continue to supplement like this you develop continued high IGF-1 levels.

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So you should be diligent in supplementing with VP2 Whey Isolate, Micronized Creatine and DGC immediately after training. You’ll be supplying incredibly effective and research proven protein, creatine and ultra-fast acting carbohydrates at a time when your body will utilize them most effectively, while at the same time, programming your body to create a more “muscle-growth friendly” metabolic environment. You’ll pack on significantly more lean muscle. And this is not a sales pitch, it’s a scientifically proven fact.

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Why is it important to take VP2 Why Isolate, Micronized Creatine and DGC immediately after I train? Does it really matter when I take these?

by Paul Delia time to read: 1 min