Food digestion takes energy. Digestion contributes (in a small way) to the total amount of calories a person burns in a day. A daily workout burns calories (about 20% of total daily energy expenditure). However, most of the energy we burn each day comes from the metabolic function of all organs and living tissue within the body. This metabolism accounts for up to 75% of our daily energy expenditure. The energy cost of digestion makes up the remaining 5%.
Scientists have recently discovered that exercise before food consumption increases the energy cost of digestion. Researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas have discovered that the energy expenditure of digesting and metabolizing a meal was increased if the subjects exercised prior to consuming the meal.
Exercise before the evening meal maybe a good way to ensure your body stores fewer calories as fat. Over a period of weeks or months, this strategy could add up to significant improvements in fat loss and a leaner physique.
Source: Int J. Sports Nutr Exerc Metab