The three must-know rules to building an awesome physique

The first rule in obtaining a truly awesome physique is to understand that shedding body fat and building slabs of lean muscle mass are the last priorities of your physiology. Doing it drug-free means that you have to be extra organized, dedicated and consistent with your approach to training, sleep and nutrition. If just one of these areas is neglected, even slightly, the synergy is broken and results grind to a halt.

The second rule a natural bodybuilder must learn is the cornerstone of building a great physique. The natural production and function of the body’s anabolic hormones; testosterone, growth hormone (GH), insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) must be controlled and optimized as specific times of the day to shift your physiology permanently towards muscle gain (anabolism) and fat utilization. The latest nutritional research suggests that this can be achieved with the right approach to diet and exercise.

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Hardgainer? Are you really?

By following the ANTF to the letter, the bodybuilder learns how to create a synergy between nutrition and exercise that primes their body’s natural hormonal cascade for consistent gains in lean muscle mass while promoting effective body fat metabolism! The end result is a bigger, leaner physique that just keeps getting bigger and leaner!

Creating the synergy: Nutrient-timing and exercise

The third and final fundamental rule that a bodybuilder must learn if they really want to make rapid improvements to their physique is how to create the synergy with nutrient-timing and exercise. Without a doubt, Max-OT weight training and Max-OT Cardio are the most result-producing forms of exercise. They trigger the body to simultaneously build lean muscle and burn fat. However, a workout is merely a biological signal, an intense metabolic stress that depletes the blood, muscles and other organs of key nutrients.

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The Anabolic Nutrient Timing Factor Update: A step by step guide on what to eat and how to supplement to speed fat loss and maximize muscle gains!

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 15 min