An overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that blood testosterone levels govern a person’s potential to build muscle. More testosterone – more muscle growth potential.

Drug-free bodybuilders and athlete should do everything they can to optimize natural testosterone production. Like science shows, more testosterone means greater muscle growth and strength potential. However, circulating testosterone is only half the muscle-building story. Androgen hormones (such as testosterone) can only exert their effects by binding to androgen receptors on muscle cells. Testosterone binds to the receptor on the muscle cell membrane and sends a signal to the nuclei inside the cell to increase muscle protein synthesis.

With this understood, high levels of circulating testosterone coupled with increased androgen receptors as well as high receptor affinity equals an optimum anabolic environment. This is the environment you want to strive for to get maximum results from your training.

Now here is a twist, many athletes don’t realize that after a workout, there is a temporary decline in circulating testosterone during the initial recovery stages. So while heavy training spikes testosterone, you have a natural drop shortly after your workout ends and recovery begins. Now before you go into a deep depression there is a scientifically validated solution that’s easy, safe, and extremely effective. You can follow, or should I say, you MUST follow this very simple research-based strategy to boost the concentration of testosterone and androgen receptors within muscle tissue after a workout.

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Researchers at the University of Connecticut have completed a study that showed the consumption of a carbohydrate (80 grams) and whey protein (50 grams) shake after a workout significantly increased testosterone concentrations within muscle tissue. Simply finishing your workout with a VP2 Whey Isolate shake mixed with DGC will eliminate the drop in testosterone that normally occurs after training.

It’s easy to take advantage of this research to optimize your anabolic hormone profile and also increase androgen receptor content in muscle tissue – increasing the anabolic signal sites for increased testosterone/androgen anabolic signal delivery. Increasing the anabolic signal delivered within the muscle cell at the same time you increase circulating testosterone means faster recover, greater muscle growth, and more strength.

30 to 45 minutes before training have 1 serving of VP2 mixed with DGC. Immediately following your workout mix a shake with 2 servings of VP2 Whey Isolate and 2 servings of DGC. The VP2 and DGC shake before and after your workout will increase circulating testosterone while delivering the most potent muscle-building protein in the world.

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Testosterone is a key factor in building muscle. Is there a non-hormonal way to increase testosterone levels?

by AST Sports Science time to read: 2 min