Serious athletes are always on the lookout for a new supplement or compound that may give them that extra edge in performance or recovery. However, a recent study has just identified that when two “old-school” but highly effective supplements are taken together, they provide athletes with a real advantage in terms recovery and performance.

DGC - Fast Muscle Energy and Hydration - Best Energy SupplementCaffeine is the most widely consumed, behavior-influencing substance in the world. Numerous laboratory and field studies have reported increases in performance after the consumption of caffeine with doses ranging from 3 to 6 mg per kilogram of body weight. Ever since the removal of caffeine from the World Anti-Doping Agency list of prohibited substances, this supplement has become the most popular ergogenic aid in sports.

Carbohydrate supplements are an important part of any smart athlete’s recovery and performance strategy. Aside from replenishing glycogen, a valuable fuel source, when a carbohydrate supplement is taken close to exercise it reduces the level of stress (catabolic) hormones in circulation. This reduction in catabolic hormones boosts muscle recovery, enhances strength gains and promotes a greater anabolic to catabolic ratio.

Epinephrine and cortisol are two catabolic hormones produced during intense exercise. However, the concentration of these two catabolic hormones in the blood is significantly lower when a carbohydrate supplement is consumed before or after the workout. As for supplements, caffeine and carbohydrate are two research-proven compounds shown to give athletes a real edge in performance and recovery, but up until recently, no research has looked at the effects of combining these two.

The Study . . .

In this study, scientists looked at the effects of combining caffeine and carbohydrates during exercise. The purpose was to investigate the effect of caffeine consumed both with and without a carbohydrate supplement on performance and also immune and hormone responses after exercise.

To assess this in the lab, 12 male cyclists performed four workouts on the bike after taking a 6 mg per kilogram dose of caffeine or placebo, then during exercise, they consumed a 6% carbohydrate drink (glucose) or a placebo drink.

Results showed that although caffeine boosted performance significantly, it also increased the production of catabolic hormones and suppressed some aspects of immune function. However, when the athletes consumed the carbohydrate supplement with the caffeine, this combination blocked the large increase in catabolic hormones usually seen after caffeine supplementation. The caffeine and carbohydrate combination also prevented a decline in most of the characteristic markers of immune suppression. Best of all, the athletes felt that they had performed their best when the combination of caffeine and carbs was given to them. So not only did the athletes show a significant performance benefit, there was a perception of increased performance as well.

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What this means for you . . .

Taking caffeine before a workout is great for boosting focus and intensity. However, this research confirmed that caffeine also triggers a high level of catabolic hormones in circulation after the workout. This can impair immune function, muscle-building mechanisms and make it difficult to recover fully. Also, Dymetadrine Xtreme is a potent pre-workout energizer and fat burner.high level of catabolic hormones in the blood leaves you vulnerable to over-training, poor results and illness.

However, when a carbohydrate supplement is taken soon after the caffeine, it reduces the amount of catabolic hormones flowing around in your blood stream. In turn, this will help reduce exercise-induced immune suppression and give recovery a real boost. Best of all, taking these supplements close together should enhance the performance-enhancing benefits of each!

Capitalize on this new information by taking one serving of Dymetadrine Xtreme an hour or so before a workout. Then supplement with one serving of DGC either by itself or combined with VP2 Whey Isolate mixed in cold water just before and again immediately after the workout.VP2 Whey Isolate Chocolate

Dymetadrine Xtreme will provide an extremely potent pre-workout boost in concentration and intensity. Supplement-timing with DGC and VP2 Whey Isolate will maximize muscle anabolism and help reduce the level of catabolic hormones in circulation. Over time, repeating this procedure at every workout will help you obtain the best results possible from training. Never underestimate the powerful benefits of taking great supplements the correct way.

Source: Med & Sci in Sports and Exercise

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Supplement Combination Cuts Catabolic Hormones and Boosts Performance

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 3 min