For years, bodybuilders and other strength athletes have been using protein supplements to boost their protein intake and enhance muscle and strength gains during resistance training. This strategy has gone against traditional advice from doctors and nutritionists that proclaim protein supplements are not necessary. However, the unique potential of protein supplementation to speed recovery and promote better muscle gains during training has recently been highlighted by a new study.

In this study, supplementation with 15 grams of protein (essential amino acids) and 30 grams of carbohydrates was shown to produce a greater anabolic effect (stimulation of muscle protein synthesis) than a meal containing the same dose of essential amino acids. Furthermore, the consumption of the supplement did not interfere with the normal anabolic response to a meal consumed 3 hours later.

These findings are incredibly important as they provide a number of insights as to how bodybuilders and other athletes can manipulate their eating plan to accelerate gains in strength and muscle mass. Firstly, the results of this study suggest that the refractory period when muscle protein synthesis can be reignited by feeding is much shorter than previously assumed, particularly when protein supplements are used. The results also suggest that strategic use of protein supplements between regular meals will have a much greater anabolic effect on muscle than the consumption of meals alone.

The bottom line is that on a gram for gram basis, protein supplementation provides a greater anabolic effect on muscle. When protein supplements are used between regular meals they will ensure a higher rate of protein synthesis within muscle. In turn, this will ensure a higher net gain in muscle protein and therefore, more rapid growth from resistance training. While this study used free-form amino acids as the source of protein, other studies have shown that supplementation with high quality proteins such as whey isolate and other dairy proteins produce the same anabolic response within muscle. Therefore, bodybuilders and other athletes can apply this latest research quite easily to speed recovery and obtain better results from training. Below, I’ve designed a simple way to do this.

Firstly, follow the The Anabolic Nutrient Timing Factor after your Max-OT workouts. It’s an awesome step-by-step guide on what to eat and how to supplement to maximize muscle gains in the 3 hours following a workout. Then, based on this new research, protein supplementation should occur between whole-food meals with approximately 2-3 hours between feedings to maximize the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. Here is my example.

  • Meal one: (two-three hours after following the ANTF ) take one serving of Muscle-XGF mixed in 300-600ml of ice cold water.
  • Meal two: (two-to-three hours after meal one) eat a small but balanced whole-food meal that contains a source of protein, carbs and essential fats. # Meal three: (two-to-three hours after meal two) take one serving of VP2 Whey Isolate, mixed in 250ml of whole-milk* (add crushed ice, it tastes awesome!)
  • Meal four: (two-to-three hours after meal three) eat a small but balanced whole-food meal.
  • Meal five: (two-to-three hours after meal four) take one serving of Muscle-XGF mixed in 300-600ml of ice cold water.
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And so on….. * Use a small serving of whole milk once or twice a day with your serving of VP2. This will help maintain steady blood insulin levels and research shows that whole-milk contains an array of growth factors and unique fats that have a very beneficial effect on muscle metabolism.

To sum it up; it’s the beneficial effect of frequent supplementation that is the key aspect. Frequent supplementation with protein appears to be highly effective at reigniting the cellular processes that accelerate muscle gains. If you feel that economics might prevent you from using as many supplement servings as you’d like to, no problem. Simply reduce the size of the supplement dose but don’t reduce the frequency. The frequency of protein supplement consumption is the important aspect here. It clearly provides benefits that regular meals cannot. For years, bodybuilders and other strength athletes have been using protein supplements to enhance muscle and strength gains during resistance training. Now scientific research has identified the unique role protein supplementation plays in promoting better recovery and faster muscle growth during training. Make sure you take advantage of this exciting new research.

Source: Am J Physiol 288, E761-E767, 2005.

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Research confirms the vital role of protein supplementation to build muscle mass.

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 4 min