You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, “Why try to re-invent the wheel.” as it pertains to fixing things that aren’t broken. Often people will spend a significant amount of their days adapting approaches or tweaking methods don’t need improvement. Then there are those who find and develop innovative and ground-breaking ideas that change the landscape of the game that they’re playing. Ingenuity and “out of the box” thinking are driving forces in many industries. Weightlifting is no different.

The fitness industry is one of those that has flourished greatly by advancements in training, nutrition, and supplementation. If you’re still stuck in your old school way of thinking, here are some reasons to step out of your comfort zone and try something new for a change.

New Approach, New Growth

The fact is you can’t grow if you’re constantly at a standstill. If you are unwilling to open up your mind to new approaches to strength training and subsequent muscle growth, then you will be stuck in your rut and spin your wheels for an infinite amount of time. Rather than being stubborn in your approach, and trying to force your body into new growth, take a new approach to training. Experiment with angles, use machines in a way they weren’t designed to be used, make new attachments out of scrap metal, study how others perform exercises and then manipulate them to fit your biomechanics. Who said resistance has to come in dumbbell form? If it’s heavy, then find a way to lift it safely and use it to your advantage.

If you’re willing to put some thought into your approach to training, and you have somewhat of an imagination, you can and will make great strides in your training, and the new possibilities that arise from this approach will keep you excited each and every day to hit the gym for a new found adventure.

New Found Fame

As you know, the weightlifting and fitness industry has exploded with new personalities popping up all over the place who are being followed by legions of dedicated fans. Some of these personalities are significantly contributing to the bodybuilding world through their new and unique approaches to this lifestyle. Perhaps it is their brand of training or nutrition that has captured the attention of so many or their way of balancing life and bodybuilding that is intriguing; whatever it is it seems to be enough to keep them in the spotlight.

Whether you follow these people on a regular basis, or you just happened to stumble upon their IG account, the benefits of doing so are in the ideas they are putting out there that you too can use for yourself. The best people to follow are those who are educating versus self-promoting and if you can learn something new that helps in your bodybuilding quest or if you are one of those personalities who has captured the attention of your audience through innovation, then good on you and carry on.

See Also:
Hardgainer? Are you really?

Weightlifting Longevity

I’m sure many of you out there reading this right now started off the same way I did; lift as heavy as you possibly can day in and day out. Well, I’m here to tell you from personal experience that you can’t keep up that kind of pace forever. Unfortunately, things start to wear out, break down and can put you on the sidelines for some time.

If you’re in the bodybuilding lifestyle for the long haul, then you have to look for new alternatives. Some of your go-to exercises and your favorite training programs will have to change. The scheduling of your training days, the sequences of your workouts, the cycling of your nutrition are areas that can be modified and tweaked.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, don’t be afraid to give in a little on certain things and don’t be scared to try something and fail at it.

The key in all of this is to develop something new for yourself, see if it works, stash the successes and failures somewhere in your mind and then move onto the next thing.

I’m telling you right now that this approach will keep things fresh, keep you healthy and keep you training much longer than trying to grind it out day after day and year after year. You’ll be a much better bodybuilder for it in the end.

To support your creative efforts, I highly suggest you follow the leader of innovation in the bodybuilding and fitness industry and the company most trusted to produce the latest and greatest in supplement technology, AST Sports Science.

We are your go-to brand for fresh, creative and original ideas that suit your bodybuilding needs. Case in point, the new Zilla High-Performance Protein Bar. This protein bar is setting new standards for taste and product quality to enhance your energy, recovery efforts, and muscle building aspirations. Once this bar hits the market, the landscape will be changed forever and the only “out of the box” thinking I’ll be doing is the type that involves taking a Zilla bar out of the box that it came in.

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Training Innovation Breeds Success

by Dana Bushell time to read: 4 min