I couldn’t go past recommending the economical combination of Micronized Creatine with VP2 Whey Isolate for awesome strength and muscle gains. This supplement combination was featured by the American Physiological Society at their Annual Meeting a few years back – These APS “meetings” cover over 5,000 studies, so it gives you an idea of how significant the APS felt this research was.

The major finding of this research was that supplementation with VP2 Whey Isolate and Micronized Creatine during Max-OT resistance training resulted in a dramatic growth response in the type-2 muscle fibers. Muscle fiber size increases were over 500% better compared to a group of bodybuilders using a placebo supplement. These muscle changes correlated well with the strength gains demonstrated by the participants, which makes the findings even more relevant.

See Also:
Are there differences between men and women regarding their ability to lose body fat?

I recommend using 5-grams of Micronized Creatine with a scoop of VP2 Whey Isolate before and after every workout. Then use VP2 Whey Isolate mixed in liquid meals 3-4 times a day. Follow this protocol and you’ll pack on muscle faster than any other supplement stack out there regardless of cost.

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I’m on a limited budget. Can you recommend me a good supplement stack that will help me pack on muscle? I want the best bang for my buck.

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 1 min