Max-OT Cardio is unique in that it significantly elevates your resting metabolic rate and your ability to burn body fat without breaking down lean muscle like conventional cardio does.

By increasing your resting metabolic rate, your body becomes much more efficient at nutrient utilization and preferences stored body fat for energy. Your body becomes a more efficient fat burning machine, and it does this while preserving and even building lean muscle. And the most important factor is that it does this 24 hours a day. The elevated intensity level of Max-OT Cardio keeps your metabolic rate high and your body burning fat long after you’ve finished your cardio session.

Max-OT Cardio uses short-term, high-intensity output to maximize metabolic activity while eliminating the catabolic activity of muscle that longer duration, lower intensity cardio imparts. You get the maximum fat burning effects without any negative impact on building muscle and strength. Max-OT Cardio allows you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

See Also:
I understand that performing Max-OT cardio makes you very fit - aerobically. Does an enhanced level of fitness enable you to burn more body fat?

Max-OT Cardio Accelerates Your Metabolic Rate

For accelerating your body’s metabolic rate, I recommend doing Max-OT Cardio every other day. That’s a 16-minute Max-OT Cardio session every other day, and it should be done 8 to 12 hours before or after your Max-OT training. This approach maximizes Max-OT Cardio’s metabolic enhancing effects without affecting your energy levels before or your recuperation abilities after your weight training. This is essential for getting maximum results from both your cardio training and your weight training.

So perform Max-OT Cardio every other day, and you’ll quickly notice a much leaner physique and the ability to stay leaner even when your diet is not as clean as it should be. As you click off Max-OT Cardio sessions, over time, your metabolism will change, and your body will become more efficient. You’ll have a higher resting metabolic rate and have the ability to stay much leaner easier.

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How often should I do Max-OT Cardio?

by Paul Delia time to read: 2 min