Most people do not know the best way to use glutamine to maximize muscle growth support, and there is still a lot to be learned. Here is a strategy that will allow you to take advantage of GL3 L-Glutamine’s nitrogen shuttling effect and it’s growth hormone elevating properties.

GL3 Glutamine on Training Days (assuming you train in the evening)

Take 2 grams of GL3 upon awakening.
Take 5 grams of GL3 at 10:00 AM
Take 2 grams of GL3 at 2:00 PM
Take 10 grams of GL3 30 minutes before training.
Take 10 grams of GL3 immediately after training.
Take 2 grams of GL3 right before bed.

GL3 Glutamine on Non-Training Days

Take 2 grams of GL3 upon awakening.
Take 5 grams of GL3 at 10:00 AM
Take 2 grams of GL3 at 2:00 PM
Take 5 grams of GL3 at 6:00 PM
Take 2 grams of GL3 right before bed.

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Structuring your supplemental intake of GL3 like this keeps a continual supply in your system for GH enhancement and provides critical glutamine support and replenishment before and after training.

Ongoing research is continuing to solidify glutamine’s many essential functions from immune system support to protein synthesis. It’s important to understand that glutamine makes up 30% of your muscle’s amino acid pool. Your muscles are the major storage site for glutamine. When your body needs glutamine for its many metabolic functions such as immune support and ammonia scavenging, it gets it (steals it) from your muscles. When it does this – which is all the time – it’s catabolic to muscle tissue.

Supplementing with glutamine supports your body’s numerous metabolic needs and prevents muscle breakdown while enhancing hormonal and anabolic effects.

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What is the best way to take GL3 Glutamine on training and non-training days?

by AST Sports Science time to read: 1 min