We are in a very exciting time as far as effective, science-based methods for physique transformation (building muscle and shedding fat).

Probably one of the most important insights I can give you about accelerating results from intense training is the research on supplementation and blood amino acid levels. Firstly, we know that a high level of the essential amino acids in the blood is responsible for triggering a high rate of muscle protein synthesis. We also know that different protein sources evok different blood amino acid responses.
There appears to be a dose-dependent effect of protein supplementation on muscle protein synthesis rates after intense weight lifting. The greater the increase in blood amino acid levels from supplementation, the higher the increase in protein synthesis rates and the greater the anabolic response from training.

Consequently, as arterial amino acid levels decline, so does protein synthesis rates in muscle. It’s quite clear that amino acid availability is the rate-limiting step to stimulating muscle building mechanisms and packing on mass. So how can we apply this information to help pack on more muscle?

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By using our knowledge of absorption kinetics with regard to different protein sources. Whole foods and intact proteins provide only a trickle of amino acids into the blood stream. But their consumption is important as whole food protein sources help stabilize insulin levels effectively.

The use of a rapidly absorbing protein that literally floods the bloodstream is essential to triggering a tremendous growth-response after training. A high level of circulating blood amino acids is required in the hours post-training to ensure the anabolic effect of resistance training is converted into net gains in muscle mass.

So lets look at how to apply this information. Firstly, supplement with VP2 Whey Isolate before and after intense exercise to flood the blood stream with growth-stimulating amino acids. Secondly, be sure to consume a whole food meal soon after training to stabilize insulin levels which actually serve to lock-in the new proteins being deposited into muscle. Finally, ensure frequent doses of VP2 throughout the day to maintain high blood amino acid levels. This is the key to prolonging the anabolic response from each workout.

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Following your research tips and using AST supplements I am seeing and feeling changes on a weekly basis. Do you have any other latest research that may help me get even better results?

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 2 min