Your nutritional status affects your anabolic hormonal profile, but surprisingly, there is not a lot of research in this area of nutritional science. I’ve had to dig deep and draw on some diverse literature, but if you’ve read my previous research articles, you’ll see I have not been off the mark so far.

To enhance your body’s anabolic drive, remember these crucial points:

1.) Don’t drop your dietary fat intake too low, for too long. Athletes who consume diets ultra-low in fat (below 15% of total calorie content) typically have sub-optimal levels of circulating testosterone.

2.) The type of protein you consume is also important. Men who include red meat in their diets have higher concentrations of free (biologically active) testosterone. Red meat protein is very important for testosterone production. Raptor-HP is made from pure red meat protein.

3.) Effective, diet controlled, insulin management is all-important to prolonging the active life of IGF-1 production. IGF-1 (insulin growth factor-1) is a hormone similar in structure to insulin that has potent anabolic effects in muscle. Steady-state insulin levels are required for IGF and growth hormone (GH) to exert their maximum effects on muscle.

4.) Once insulin levels are restored, they must be kept steady within a narrow physiological range for the rest of the day. If you do not, then that nice squirt of GH and IGF-1 you’ve produced during training will be short-lived. Controlled insulin spikes immediately after training is good to drive nutrients into muscle tissue. Excessive, unnecessary spikes in insulin outside of the post-training window are not good and should be avoided.

See Also:
Boost IGF-1 Levels by 30%! New Research Shows You How!

5.) IGF-1 is produced in a dose-dependant fashion to protein intake. Higher protein intake equals higher IGF-1 production. So a steady protein intake throughout the day is critical to IGF-1 production. IGF-1 production is directly correlated to nitrogen balance. So, don’t skip a meal or your IGF-1 production will suffer.

Vitamins - Best Multi Vitamin - MultiPro 32X - The Serious Athlete's Multi-Vitamin6.) Last, it’s very important that you are not deficient in any micro-nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are key precursors to all anabolic hormones. Take a daily serving of MultiPro 32X to ensure you get the quality and quantities of the key micro-nutrients you need for optimum anabolic hormone production.

This is a simple, easy to follow guideline to optimize your body’s natural anabolic hormone profile. When designing a diet strategy, follow theses rules, and you’ll create and active anabolic environment to ensure greater results from your training.

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Nutrition Guideline for Optimizing Natural Anabolic Hormone Production

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 2 min