The debate on whether high-intensity cardio or low-intensity cardio is better for burning body fat has been going on forever. Low-intensity cardio is done using a moderate effort for a longer duration, and high-intensity cardio is done with an extreme effort for a shorter duration. I have always been a proponent of relatively short but extremely high-intensity cardio sessions for maximizing fat oxidation. This lead to the development of Max-OT Cardio. The real world results from this approach have trampled the low-intensity cardio programs when it comes to burning body fat.

Make no mistake, high-intensity cardio is hard. Very hard. I find those who gravitate to low-intensity cardio simply don’t like the extreme nature of high-intensity cardio. They opt for the easier of the two.

Burning Body Fat – The Research

Now research has been done looking at markers of fat oxidation in fit individuals and measuring the difference between low and high-intensity cardio.

A study that recently compared fat utilization after performing low and high-intensity cardio exercise has revealed that in the hours following the workout, intense exercise causes more effective utilization of dietary fat.

Most fat loss research is performed using obese individuals, and the findings have little relevance to lean, healthy athletes. In this study, the researchers chose to examine normal weight, moderately active subjects to establish the effect of exercise intensity on fat oxidation (fat burning). Tracers of two of the most common fatty acids in the U.S. diet, oleate, and palmitate were used to analyze dietary fat oxidation.

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Seven female subjects (age 26yrs) were required to visit the lab on three occasions for assessment. The participants performed bouts of low and high-intensity exercise on a stationary cycle as well as a “no exercise” session to determine baseline values.

Results showed that utilization of oleate was significantly greater for up to 11 hours after performing high-intensity cardio exercise (49%) compared to both the low-intensity cardio exercise (39%) and the rest trials (34%).

The results illustrate that the intensity of the exercise a person performs has a tremendous impact on fat utilization and therefore, any attempt at fat loss.

If you’re wondering about the best way to lose body fat, the results are clear. High-intensity cardio exercise like Max-OT Cardio burns more fat and does so for up to 11 hours after the cardio session is completed as compared to low-intensity cardio exercise. High-intensity cardio burns more fat and keeps burning more fat throughout the day.

Source: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

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What is better for burning body fat, high-intensity cardio or low-intensity cardio?

by Paul Delia time to read: 2 min