Muscle fiber types fall into three main categories; slow-twitch (type-I), glycolytic fast-twitch (type-IIx) or oxidative fast-twitch (type-IIa). Slow-twitch fibers are recruited to lift lighter loads and have very little capacity for increasing size. The type-IIa and IIx fibers are characterized as fast twitch; they produce the highest levels of force but are recruited only during maximum lifts with very heavy weight. Fast-twitch fibers are capable of dramatic growth responses from training. Therefore, bodybuilders must lift heavy (high loads, low reps) to stand a chance of making decent gains in the gym.

A recent study has shown that depleting the fast twitch fibers utilizes more calories during recovery. This extra energy cost during recovery may be yet another reason why Max-OT training is so effective at burning calories and promoting a lean physique. Additionally, this research showed that depleting the slow twitch muscle fibers of glycogen (with prolonged endurance exercise and fasting) enabled greater recruitment of the fast twitch fibers during a subsequent bout of exercise. However, the application of this information is limited for bodybuilders.

See Also:
Does Max-OT training stimulate both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers?

Based on this information, the editors of one muscle magazine recently recommended that bodybuilders should perform 60-90 minutes of cardio exercise and then go perform intense weight lifting. Only follow this stupid advice if you want a physique like Pee-wee Herman. Be careful where you obtain your bodybuilding advice.

Med Sci Sports Exerc

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Depleting Fast-Twitch Muscles of Glycogen Elevates Calorie Expenditure

by Paul Cribb Ph.D. CSCS. time to read: 1 min