“Perform your cardio on an empty stomach for optimal results”. For years this approach to fat loss has been the accepted mode; however when it comes to bodybuilding very few rules apply to the masses and generic programs for nutrition, fat loss, resistance training and supplement protocols should only be considered as a good place to start.

There have been what many would consider “golden rules” when it pertains to the aforementioned programs but as the sport of bodybuilding continues to evolve and become more science based, those once thought of set in stone guidelines are posing to be nothing more than perhaps a good idea and now even worse, a tactical error on the quest to achieving one’s desired physique.

The attack on fat loss has had more than its share of myths and misconceptions. But the one rule that seems to have been able to withstand the test of time is the one that states cardio for fat loss is best performed in the morning on an empty stomach for optimal results. Well, even now that is being put to the test.

A recent study compared the lipolytic activity between individuals who engaged in moderate physical activity in a fasting state versus those in a fed state to verify the differences, if any, in fat metabolism. Both groups were identical in quantity and quality of food intake the 24 hours prior to the test and both endured the same physical activity (36 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on a treadmill at 65% of max heart rate). The findings showed that VO2 (oxygen consumption) was significantly higher and RER (respiratory-exchange ratio) was significantly lower in the fed group when compared to the fasting group indicating greater lipid utilization. This was still true 24 hours after the training session had ended.

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What does this all mean? It means that in this particular study the researchers proved the bodybuilding community wrong and that cardio on an empty stomach will not give you the results you are looking for. According to this study if you are looking to achieve the lowest body fat percentage possible or if you are simply trying to lose some body fat, it is advisable to have a small meal prior to cardiovascular exercise in the morning to improve the body’s ability to shred the fat.

To further increase the body’s ability to burn unwanted fat, you should be supplementing with Dymetadrine Xtreme. Dymetadrine Xtreme is several steps above other thermogenics on the market. Each serving contains a precision blend of potent and effective thermogenic herbs, amino acid substrates, and key vitamins and minerals that support and extend the thermogenic effects.

In addition to using this product, taking advantage of Max-OT Cardio principles will not only kick up the intensity level in your cardio, but will also make for fast fat loss and gains in lean muscle tissue in only 16 minutes.

Muscle is the name of our game, and you can’t flex fat. Take advantage of the new science on fat loss and incorporate it into your program. Debunking previously accepted methods is at times difficult to do but those who are willing to try different approaches usually reap all the rewards. Remember, there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. Make the corrections to your program now before it’s too late.

Source: Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2011 Feb;21(1):48-54.

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Cardio Conundrum

by Dana Bushell time to read: 3 min