There are intricacies associated with even the smallest of tasks. Building a physique is no small task, and with that said, the road to success can and should be filled with these intricacies more closely associated with the finer details of a worthy training approach. It is just not enough anymore to go into the gym and throw some weight around hoping that your efforts will produce some sort of gains. You must be willing to pay attention to the refined motion of an exercise and use that as your advantage over the others lifting aimlessly around you. By definition “Lifting weights” is an action that in my opinion lacks the intelligence and focus of a hardcore trainer and undermines what their ultimate goal is; size and detail. There is simply just too much going on within an exercise when completed by a seasoned trainer to simply call it “lifting weights” and that’s why I think it’s important to put in writing some of those intricacies that are taking place during any given exercise. Remember, there are many and they may vary from trainer to trainer, but the following will definitely be a great place for you to either learn something new or to reaffirm what you have been doing is correct.

Chest training: Key Pointers

Keep your chin down
Pinch your shoulder blades together
Help the movement by pushing through your feet
Stop just shy of lockout
When gripping the bar, push your hands towards each other for an added flex

Shoulder training: Key Pointers

When behind the neck pressing, look up as much as possible
On lateral raises, pretend you are pouring out two bottles of water and make sure your elbow is higher than your wrist at the top of the movement
Palms out when doing bent over lateral raises, takes the biceps out of the movement

Back training: Key Pointers

A wide, underhand grip for pull downs opens up the scapula for an added stretch
Spine alignment is paramount (avoid any curvature)
Engage the lats prior to performing a row by raising your chest
Make use of all angles available when pulling or rowing

Biceps training: Key Pointers

Release the wrist to reduce the amount of forearm activity
The further you can supinate at the wrist, the stronger the contraction
Keep your elbows back to eliminate any help from the front deltoid
Curl with a false grip, again keeping the forearm somewhat out of play

See Also:
Dine by color – it’s the fastest way to a lean, mean physique

Triceps training: Key Pointers

Flex hard at the bottom for a full contraction 
A rope attachment with further the contraction by allowing you to roll your wrists away from your body finishing with a thumbs down hand positon
On extension movements, take the bar past your head for a full stretch and then press it back up at a 45-60 degree angle
Palms away grip on pushdowns specifically hits the outer head (use a close grip v-bar attachment)

Ab training: Key Pointers

Tilt your hips back on hanging leg raises to engage the lower abs
Twist side to side for a tapered look
Try keeping your abs flexed all day and stomach pulled in if distension is a problem

Quads training: Key Pointers

When squatting, push through your heels (put a 5lb plate under each heel if you have difficulty doing this)
Vary your toe position and stance distance
On extensions, point toes down and toes up for a different feeling
Train them unilaterally

Hamstrings training: Key Pointers

On leg curls, again point toes up and down, out and in
Keep hip flexors pressed tightly against the support pad
Engage the glutes first so the during the movement, the hamstrings do the lion share of the work

Calf training: Key Pointers

Point toes in and out
Never keep your knees locked out
Stop for a count at the bottom or stretched position
Inversion at the ankles at the top of the movement will provide an intense squeeze

AR-5: Key Pointers

Provides strength
7 grams BCAA’s
3 grams of l-glutamine

If all it took to get huge and lean was walking into the gym and moving around the weights, then everyone would have desirable physiques. While many people may exaggerate their accomplishments with the iron, the one thing that should never be looked down upon is the exaggeration of any given movement. That’s the difference between fulfilling the ever important intricacies in training and missing the boat completely. Pay more attention to the finer details in your movements, pay attention to the finer supplements in life (AR-5) and reap the benefits of a fine tuned training regime.

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Biomechanical Adjustments for Maximum Training Results

by Dana Bushell time to read: 4 min