How to Use Specialized Energy Loading

How to Use Specialized Energy Loading

Bodybuilders and athletes alike are always looking for an advantage. It’s a part of the competitive nature necessary to achieve greatness and something every champion intelligently employs. While there is no quick substitute for hard work and dedication, taking...
Defining Your Gains and Measuring Your Success

Defining Your Gains and Measuring Your Success

Progress comes in many forms, and the success that people experience in this crazy world of self-improvement and fitness is all relative. What I would consider gains doesn’t necessarily equate with what you do and vice versa and guess what, there’s nothing wrong with...
Set Small Goals for Big Gains

Set Small Goals for Big Gains

Hitting the gym day in and day out is all about achieving goals. If you aren’t trying to improve something about your body then what’s the point of going to the gym in the first place. As you get more experienced with your training, you come to realize that...
Defining Your Gains and Measuring Your Success

Arm Rx – Prescription for Big, Muscular Arms

Sleeve splitting arms are a sight to behold. When fully developed, the biceps, triceps, and muscles of the forearm are extremely impressive; even in the hang position. Once flexed, these muscles take on a life of their own and give their possessor an air of confidence...
Injury Prevention and Your PKC

Injury Prevention and Your PKC

We push ourselves every day to be bigger, stronger and faster. We push past our limits in our attempt to build the physique we’ve always dreamed of having. We push so hard sometimes that our bodies decide to fight back, and that fight comes in the form of an injury....
Eating Strategies for Packing on Muscle

Eating Strategies for Packing on Muscle

Clean Bulk, Dirty Bulk or a Hybrid of Both Large amounts of nutrient-rich foods strategically eaten throughout the day are what it takes to grow. Clean sources of carbohydrates such as yams, oatmeal, and rice coupled with the leanest cuts of poultry, red meats, and...
The Low Down on Keto Diets

The Low Down on Keto Diets

If you have been following the world of fitness in general and have picked up a magazine or even just watched television in the past decade, there is one thing you have probably noticed; a bombardment of advertisements directed at you all claiming to be the secret to...
Failure is NOT Defeat

Failure is NOT Defeat

The term failure often denotes a negative connotation more closely associated with defeat. In the world of bodybuilding, this thought process couldn’t be further from the truth and failure is something most try to experience at least a few times a day. In fact, this...
Angling for New Muscle Growth

Angling for New Muscle Growth

Angle manipulation for increasing the effectiveness of an exercise or for starting a new training stimulus for new growth is an extremely effective method for building muscle. The most important aspect of deciding whether you have to manipulate the angle at which you...
Weight Training – Educating the Skeptics

Weight Training – Educating the Skeptics

Skepticism is a characteristic that only serves one purpose; to hold one back from attaining levels never before seen accomplished. It is this skepticism that has often cast a negative shadow over the world of weight training and caused many to miss out on an...
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