Endurance athletes have been using carbohydrate supplements to enhance performance for years. However, according to researchers at the University of Texas, adding protein to a carbohydrate supplement resulted in a massive 24% increase in performance!

The Study

Ten trained cyclists exercised on three separate occasions at intensities that varied between 45 and 75% VO2max for 3 hours and then at 85% VO2max until fatigued. Supplements (200 ml) were provided every 20 minutes at each trial. On one occasion the cyclists consumed a placebo, in another trial an 8% carbohydrate solution was given, and in the other test, an 8% carbohydrate and 2% protein drink was provided to the cyclists as they exercised. All treatments were administered using a double-blind, randomized design.

All treatments were administered using a double-blind, randomized design. This means neither the researchers or the athletes knew which supplement protocol was being administered. This is the holy grail in research design.

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Results showed that carbohydrate supplementation increased the time to exhaustion compared to the placebo. However, the addition of the small amount of protein significantly enhanced the effect of the carbohydrate supplement and enabled a greater work capacity that resulted in a 24% better performance than when the cyclists consumed only carbohydrates.

Protein RulesVP2 Whey Isolate and DGC

The addition of protein to a carbohydrate supplement in a 4 to 1 ratio enhanced aerobic endurance performance by 24% above a carbohydrate supplement alone. 24% increase! That’s an amazing benefit.

Endurance athletes take note – this research suggests that combining a serving of VP2 Whey Isolate and a serving of DGC can dramatically improve your performance.

Int. J. Sport  Nutrition

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Protein Added to a Carbohydrate Supplement Boosts Endurance Performance by 24%!

by AST Sports Science time to read: 1 min