As those who follow the Max-OT program knows, changing up your workout schedule every 8 to 10 weeks is an integral part of the system. Changing up your Max-OT workout gives you the opportunity train different muscle groups together, incorporate different exercises, and train different muscles on different days. One main aspect of this change is to recharge yourself mentally and ‘shock’ your muscles. Changing your Max-OT workout every 8 to 10 weeks keeps you mentally fresh and motivated to train. It’s like a new adventure.

This simple Max-OT principle will automatically have you training with greater intensity and mental focus.

Here’s a good Max-OT workout you can add to your next rotation.

Monday – Shoulders and Forearms


Biangular Shoulder Press Machine….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Press….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Side Lateral Raises….2 Sets – 6 Reps


Wrist Curls….2 Sets – 6 Reps

Reverse Wrist Curls….2 Sets – 6 Reps

Tuesday – Back & Traps


See Also:
Do you really train with high intensity?

Seated Cable Rows….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Pull-ups….3 Sets – 6-8 Reps

Barbell Rows….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Pull-downs….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps


Barbell Shrugs….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps


Wednesday – Legs & Calves


Standing Calf Raises (Off Smith Machine)….3 Sets – 6 Reps

Seated Calf Raises….3 Sets – 6 Reps


Squats….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Lunges….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Stiff Leg Dead Lifts….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Leg Press….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps


Thursday – Chest & Abs


Weighted Leg Raises….3 Sets – 10-12 Reps

Rope Crunches….3 Sets – 10 Reps

Weighted Crunches….3 Sets – 8-10 Reps


Incline Dumbbell Press….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Flat Dumbbell Press….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Decline Barbell Press….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps


Friday – Biceps & Triceps


Barbell Curls….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Dumbbell Curls….2 Sets – 4-6 Reps


Lying Tricep Extensions….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Cable Push-downs….3 Sets – 4-6 Reps

Dumbbell Kickbacks….1 Set – 4-6 Reps


Saturday & Sunday – Off

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Time for a Change – Max-OT Workout Tip

by AST Sports Science time to read: 2 min